Virgin Australia Cargo Partner – Quick As A Wink Couriers

Hart Kerspien Dr, Broadwood WA 6430

Location on Google Maps.


Kalgoorlie Operations

M: 0418 934 604
E: quickasawinkcouriers@outlook.com   

Opening hours

Weekdays: 07:00 to 18:00

Weekends: 08:00 to 18:00

Cargo Operations

Departure: Final cargo acceptance time prior to aircraft’s estimated departure (minutes).

  Animals (AVI) Dangerous Goods All Other Cargo
Screening Required - - 90
Pre-Screened (CSD) - - 60
Screening Exempt 90 - 60


Arrival: Earliest cargo collection time after aircraft arrival (minutes).

  Animals (AVI)
All Other Cargo
Collection 30 45

Cargo Facility Capabilities

Dangerous Goods Outbound (DG Acceptance): No

Dangerous Goods Inbound: Limited (ICE as refrigerant permitted)

Cool Room Storage: No