Our routines and recommendations

Our health and safety procedures are here to keep you in tip-top shape onboard, making your journey as wonderful as can be.

Our planes are fitted with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters. In other words, they’re as good as the ones used in medical environments and industrial clean rooms – removing more than 99.9% of microbes from the air.

With protective features such as directional airflow and an ongoing intake of fresh air from outside, we’re making sure that flying continues to have an extremely low risk of contributing to virus transmission.

We’ve continued to maintain high standards of hygiene. 

  • Our cabin crew practice proper hand sanitising.
  • Our aircraft carry the appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • We’ve made hand sanitiser available throughout your entire journey.
  • We’ll always point you in the direction of the nearest sanitation point.
  • We encourage you to bring your own face masks and hand sanitiser if that makes you feel more comfortable onboard.

To keep up our high cleaning standards:

  • We’ve increased the frequency of cleaning on the ground and in our aircraft since the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • We’re using special long-lasting antibacterial and antimicrobial cleaning agent.
  • We’re frequently sanitising high touch and high traffic areas, such as seat areas, kiosks and door handles.
  • We conduct rigorous nightly cleaning of our aircraft – disinfecting seats, tray tables, armrests, window and shades, seatback entertainment screens, lavatories, galleys, doors and interior walls. 

As the cabin pressure adjusts to correct altitude during ascent (take-off) and descent (landing) you may feel some small discomfort with your ears ‘popping’. To help alleviate this, chew gum or suck on a sweet. For information on helping young children and infants, please refer to our travelling with infants page.

DVT is blood clotting in a major vein – most commonly in the legs or lower body – where blood flow has been slowed. Medical practitioners advise that certain people are more susceptible to DVT. These include: people who are immobile for periods of time; those with a personal family history of DVT or who have recently undergone major surgery; people with certain blood disorders or heart disease; smokers; pregnant women; and the elderly.

We suggest you:

  • Drink plenty of water and other fluids during and after your flight – limiting your consumption of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks;
  • Take regular walks around the aircraft when the seat belt sign is off, to stretch and move your arms and legs at regular intervals;
  • Avoid crossing your legs when seated;
  • Massage your calves and thighs, and regularly move your ankles by circling and gently shaking your feet;
  • If you experience abnormal swelling, tenderness or pain after your flight, we strongly recommend you see a doctor.

This is not a comprehensive list. If you have any doubts about your particular health risks, please talk to a medical practitioner.

Things you already know, but we're going to remind you anyway

Fasten your seatbelt

We know, fastenating. Please keep your seat belt fastened whenever the seatbelt sign is illuminated and at any time you are seated – in case your flight comes across unexpected turbulence. If you wish to stretch or walk around the cabin, please ensure that the seat belt sign is off.

Swap the vino for h20

We recommend you drink plenty of water (or juice) throughout your flight. Despite our mouth-watering menu, avoid drinking too many alcoholic and caffeinated drinks – they will dehydrate you.