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What's New: New website address and features

Dear Valued Partner,

Virgin Australia is pleased to provide an update on new and existing features available in our Group Sales Optimiser (GSO):

New Website Address

GSO has moved to the cloud and now can be reached on all devices at https://gsoprod.va.proscloud.com/login on your browser

Booking Management enhancements

  • Ability to edit one way, return and multi-city bookings by date, time and route*
  • Increase, Decrease and Split PNR and Edit bookings*
  • Ability to add names to the booking
  • Ability to cancel entire group or cancel at a PNR level*
  • Ability to add Velocity Membership Details
  • Ability to add all SSR's for all passengers
  • The ability to add an infant with or without a seat
  • The ability to remove a passenger's name (to replace a passenger)*
  • Enhanced capability to change bookings that have been made outside the GSO

Escalation functionality enhanced

  • Outside Reservation window requests can now be quoted
  • Outside reservation window offers can now be booked automatically once inside reservation window subject to flight and seat availability.

Email Notifications for Timelines

Get email notifications when Deposits, Names and Final payments are due

Multi Series Creation

You can now have multiple series quotes in the same quote.

*Cancellations are subject to applicable terms and conditions. 

Important Points to remember:

  • Booking management – For any changes that cannot be made in the GSO they will need to be managed by your dedicated Groups Sales consultant at Group.sales@virginaustralia.com
  • Invoicing of changes will be provided by your dedicated Group Sales consultant referencing the applicable terms and conditions of the Group.
  • GSO demonstrations are available on request. Please ask your GSO Administrator to email gsosupport@virginaustralia.com to register your interest in a Webinar.