Travelling as a blind and/or deaf guest
It is of utmost importance to us that all of our guests have a safe and enjoyable journey. If you require specific, ‘individual’ assistance, at the airport or during flight, we ask that you tell us about it in advance. That way, we can plan for your arrival and ensure that your travel is hassle-free.
How to Book
Bookings for blind and/or deaf guests who require specific assistance when travelling alone or with a Service Dog, may be made through our website, or by contacting our Guest Contact Centre (Internet discount fare will be honoured). See more information on travelling with a service dog.
Blind and/or deaf guests who are not travelling with a Service Dog and do not require any specific assistance at the airport or during the flight, can make bookings online.
If you wish to use the National Relay Service please call one of the below numbers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We will ensure your information is included in your booking, for our team members at the airport and onboard to be made aware of any assistance you may require.
If calling within Australia:
- TTY: Call 13 36 77 then ask to be connected to Virgin Australia, on 1300 139 303 or 07 3295 3941.
- Speak and listen (speech-to-speech relay): Call 1300 555 727 then ask to be connected to Virgin Australia on 1300 139 303 or 07 3295 3941.
- Guests using Internet relay (Australian residents only): Connect to the National Relay Service (see for details) and then request to be connected to Virgin Australia on 1300 139 303 or 07 3295 3941.
If calling from outside Australia:
- TTY: Call +61 7 3815 7799 and then ask to be connected to Virgin Australia, on +61 7 3295 3941.
- Speak and listen (speech-to-speech relay): Call +61 7 3815 7799 and then ask to be connected to Virgin Australia on +61 7 3295 3941.
If calling from outside Australia, use may also try your country TRS or TTY service number and request the operator to be connected to Virgin Australia on +61 7 3295 3941.
Please also check our Travelling with a Service Dog information page.
We provide a broad range of services to assist you within the airport and during your flight. Please discuss your requirements with our Guest Contact Centre at the time of booking. As a guide, the services we can provide include:
At the Airport
- Meet and Assist – if you need assistance within the airport. If you require this service please make it known to a check-in team member on your arrival at the airport.
- Visual aids at check-in to ensure you are able to understand the responsibilities in regard to dangerous goods.
- We would like to provide you with the best service possible, so let us know whether you lip read, or would like a member of our team to use a pen and paper, or to speak louder.
- Our team members will let you know when pre-boarding has commenced and will take you to the aircraft door or to your seat.
- Flight arrival and departure screens are visible throughout the airport terminal and are kept up-to-date with any flight time or gate changes – announcements with this information are also made for blind guests.
- We are unable to assist with kerbside assistance outside the terminal. If you require this level of assistance we recommend you travel with or have a companion.
During Your Flight
- You will board first and be provided with an individual safety briefing.
- If you have communicated to us in advance that you are deaf, blind or hard of hearing or sight, our crew will be aware of your location in the aircraft.
- We provide Braille and large print safety instruction manuals onboard all our aircraft.
- If you require the attention of our crew – at any time when the illuminated seatbelt sign is not lit – call bells are located on the control panel above your seat.
- Our complimentary in-flight magazine, Voyeur contains helpful and entertaining information for guests who are deaf or are hard of hearing.
On Arrival
- At your request we can assist you with domestic and some international short haul connections, and to the baggage carousel.